Government Shutdown


ELECTIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS – Let’s Spank the Government!

Section 1. No member of the House of Representatives, the United States Senate or the Office of the President or Vice President shall be eligible to run for office upon the expiration of their term of office, if they were in office when any of the following took place: (1) a budget for the government of the United States was not adopted prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for the Government of the United States. A fiscal year shall be twelve months, and the dates of the fiscal year shall not be changed to avoid or avert the affect is this Section. (2) Increase the debt of the United States by more than ten (10) percent during any session of Congress, unless there has been a formal Declaration of War or Declaration of Economic Crisis adopted by a vote of three quarters of both the House of Representatives and Senate. (3) Reduce taxes, unless there has been a reduction in the outstanding national debt. Reduction in the rate of growth of the national debt shall not be considered a reduction in debt under this Article. (4) Caused a violation of Section “2” of this Article.

Section 2. The majority of the debt of the United States shall be held and controlled by citizens of the United States and domestically held and controlled entities domiciled in the United States. No more than twenty percent of the debt of the United States shall be held or controlled by interests or entities outside the United States.

Fighting for A Fairer Society


Justice is the foundation of patriotism. Take a stand for equality and fairness by exploring the lessons in Revitalizing America. Together, we can create meaningful change. Please visit our website at and our YouTube channel “Revitalizing America” at

Adapting Laws, Embracing Change


Understanding constitutional amendments helps us grasp how laws adapt to societal changes. Explore the lessons history offers and their relevance today. Please visit our website at and our YouTube channel “Revitalizing America” at

Standing Strong for Our Ideals


The greatest lessons in patriotism often come during adversity. Learn how to embody courage and fight for America’s ideals in Revitalizing America. Please visit our website at and our YouTube channel “Revitalizing America” at